Thursday 28 July 2016



The atomic nucleus is a tiny massive entity at the center of an atom. Occupying a volume whose radius is 1/100,000 the size of the atom, the nucleus contains most (99.9%) of the mass of the atom. In describing the nucleus, we shall describe its composition, size, density, and the forces that hold it together. After describing the structure of the nucleus, we shall go on to describe some of the limits of nuclear stability.

The nucleus is composed of protons (charge = +1; mass = 1.007 atomic mass units ([μ]) and neutrons. The number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number Z and defines which chemical element the nucleus represents. The number of neutrons in the nucleus is called the neutron number N, whereas the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus is referred to as the mass number A, where A = N + Z. The neutrons and protons are referred to collectively as nucleons. A nucleus with a given N and Z is referred to as a nuclide. Nuclides with the same atomic number are isotopes , such as 12 C and 14 C, whereas nuclides with the same N, such as 14 C and 16 O, are called isotones. Nuclei such as 14 N and 14 C, which have the same mass number, are isobars. Nuclides are designated by a shorthand notation in which one writes , that is, for a nucleus with 6 protons and 8 neutrons, one writes , or, , or just 14 C. The size of a nucleus is approximately 1 to 10 × 10 −15 m, with the nuclear radius being represented more precisely as 1.2 × A 1/3 × 10 −15 m. We can roughly approximate the nucleus as a sphere and thus we can calculate its density

where 1.66 × 10 −27 kg is the mass of the nucleon. Thus the nuclear density is about 200,000 tonnes/mm 3 and is independent of A. Imagine a cube that is 1 mm on a side. If filled with nuclear matter, it would have a mass of about 200,000 tonnes. This calculation demonstrates the enormous matter/energy density of nuclei and gives some idea as to why nuclear phenomena lead to large energy releases.

Of the 6,000 species of nuclei that can exist in the universe, about 2,700 are known, but only 270 of these are stable. The rest are radioactive, that is, they spontaneously decay. The driving force behind all radioactive decay is the ability to produce products of greater stability than one had initially. In other words, radioactive decay releases energy and because of the high energy density of nuclei, that energy release is substantial. Qualitatively we describe radioactive decay as occurring in three general ways: α -, β -, and γ -decay. Alpha-decay occurs in the heavy elements, and consists of the emission of a 4 He nucleus. Beta-decay occurs in nuclei whose N/Z ratio is different from that of a stable nucleus and consists of a transformation of neutrons into protons or vice versa to make the nucleus more stable. Gamma-decay occurs when excited nuclei get rid of some or all of their excitation energy via the emission of electromagnetic radiation, or via the radiationless transfer of energy to orbital electrons.

The force responsible for holding the neutrons and protons together within the very small nuclear volume must be unusually strong. The nuclear force, or strong interaction, is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (namely, the gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak forces). The nuclear force is charge-independent, meaning that the nuclear force between two protons, or two neutrons, or a neutron and a proton, is the same. The nuclear force is short-ranged, meaning it acts over a distance of 10 −15 to 10 −14 m, that is, the size of nuclei. Of course the nuclear force is attractive, as it binds the nucleons in a nucleus. But some experiments have shown the nuclear force has a "repulsive core," meaning that at very short distances, the force switches from attractive to repulsive, preventing the nucleus from collapsing in on itself. The nuclear force is an "exchange" force, resulting from the virtual exchange of pions (short-lived particles with integra

Electromagnetic Radiation


Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that is produced by oscillating electric and magnetic disturbance, or by the movement of electrically charged particles traveling through a vacuum or matter. The electric and magnetic fields come at right angles to each other and combined wave moves perpendicular to both magnetic and electric oscillating fields thus the disturbance. Electron radiation is released as photons, which are bundles of light energy that travel at the speed of light as quantized harmonic waves. This energy is then grouped into categories based on its wavelength into the electromagnetic spectrum. These electric and magnetic waves travel perpendicular to each other and have certain characteristics, including amplitude, wavelength, and frequency.

General Properties of all electromagnetic radiation:

Electromagnetic radiation can travel through empty space.  Most other types of waves must travel through some sort of substance.  For example, sound waves need either a gas, solid, or liquid to pass through in order to be heard.
The speed of light is always a constant.  (Speed of light 2.99792458 x 108 m s-1)Wavelengths are measured between the distances of either crests or troughs. It is usually characterized by the Greek symbol λλ.

Waves and their Characteristics


Amplitude is the distance from the maximum vertical displacement of the wave to the middle of the wave. This measures the magnitude of oscillation of a particular wave. In short, the amplitude is basically the height of the wave. Larger amplitude means higher energy and lower amplitude means lower energy. Amplitude is important because it tells you the intensity or brightness of a wave in comparison with other waves.


Wavelength ( λλ ) is the distance of one full cycle of the oscillation. Longer wavelength waves such as radio waves carry low energy; this is why we can listen to the radio without any harmful consequences. Shorter wavelength waves such as x-rays carry higher energy that can be hazardous to our health. Consequently lead aprons are worn to protect our bodies from harmful radiation when we undergo x-rays. This wavelength frequently relationship is characterized by:



c is the speed of light,
λλ  is wavelength, and
νν  is frequency.
Shorter wavelength means greater frequency, and greater frequency means higher energy.  Wavelengths are important in that they tell one what type of wave one is dealing with

Fig. 4: Different Wavelengths and Frequencies

Remember, Wavelength tells you the type of light and Amplitude tells you about the intensity of the light


Frequency is defined as the number of cycles per second, and is expressed as sec-1 or Hertz (Hz). Frequency is directly proportional to energy and can be express as:


E is energy,
h is Planck's constant, (h= 6.62607 x 10-34 J), and
νν is frequency.

Period (T) is the amount of time a wave takes to travel one wavelength; it is measured in seconds (s).

The velocity of wave in general is expressed as:

For Electromagnetic wave, the velocity in vacuum is 2.99×108m/s2.99108ms or 186,282186282 miles/second.

Electromagnetic spectrum

Figure 24.5.1: Electromagnetic spectrum with light highlighted. Image used with permission from Wikipedia.

As a wave’s wavelength increases, the frequency decreases, and as wave’s wavelength decreases, the frequency increases. When electromagnetic energy is released as the energy level increases, the wavelength decreases and frequency decreases. Thus, electromagnetic radiation is then grouped into categories based on its wavelength or frequency into the electromagnetic spectrum. The different types of electromagnetic radiation shown in the electromagnetic spectrum consists of radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays. The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we are able to see is the visible light spectrum. 

Fig. 6: Electromagnetic Spectrum with Radiation Types

Radiation Types
Radio Waves are approximately 103 m in wavelength. As the name implies, radio waves are transmitted by radio broadcasts, TV broadcasts, and even cell phones. Radio waves have the lowest energy levels. Radio waves are used in remote sensing, where hydrogen gas in space releases radio energy with a low frequency and is collected as radio waves. They are also used in radar systems, where they release radio energy and collect the bounced energy back. Especially useful in weather, radar systems are used to can illustrate maps of the surface of the Earth and predict weather patterns since radio energy easily breaks through the atmosphere. ;

Microwaves can be used to broadcast information through space, as well as warm food. They are also used in remote sensing in which microwaves are released and bounced back to collect information on their reflections. 

Microwaves can be measured in centimeters.  They are good for transmitting information because the energy can go through substances such as clouds and light rain.  Short microwaves are sometimes used in Doppler radars to predict weather forecasts

Infrared radiation can be released as heat or thermal energy. It can also be bounced back, which is called near infrared because of its similarities with visible light energy. Infrared Radiation is most commonly used in remote sensing as infrared sensors collect thermal energy, providing us with weather conditions.

This picture represents a snap shot in mid-infrared light.

Visible Light is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see with an unaided eye. This part of the spectrum includes a range of different colors that all represent a particular wavelength. Rainbows are formed in this way; light passes through matter in which it is absorbed or reflected based on its wavelength. Thus, some colors ar
e reflected more than other, leading to the creation of a rainbow.

Fig. 8: Dispersion of Light Through A Prism

Ultraviolet, Radiation, X-Rays, and Gamma Rays are all related to events occurring in space. UV radiation is most commonly known because of its severe effects on the skin from the sun, leading to cancer. X-rays are used to produce medical images of the body. Gamma Rays can used in chemotherapy in order to rid of tumors in a body since it has such a high energy level. The shortest waves, Gamma rays, are approximately 10-12 m in wavelength. Out this huge spectrum, the human eyes can only detect waves from 390 nm to 780 

Equations of Waves
The mathematical description of a wave is:

where A is the amplitude, k is the wave number, x is the displacement on the x-axis. 

where λλ is the wavelength. Angular frequency described as:

where νν is frequency and period (T) is the amount of time for the wave to travel one wavelength.

An important property of waves is the ability to combine with other waves. There are two type of interference: constructive and destructive. Constructive interference occurs when two or more waves are in phase and and their displacements add to produce a higher amplitude. On the contrary, destructive interference occurs when two or more waves are out of phase and their displacements negate each other to produce lower amplitude.

Figure 9 & 10: Constructive and Destructive Interference

Interference can be demonstrated effectively through the double slit experiment. This experiment consists of a light source pointing toward a plate with one slit and a second plate with two slits. As the light travels through the slits, we notice bands of alternating intensity on the wall behind the second plate. The banding in the middle is the most intense because the two waves are perfectly in phase at that point and thus constructively interfere. The dark bands are caused by out of phase waves which result in destructive interference. This is why you observe nodes on figure 4. In a similar way, if electrons are used instead of light, electrons will be represented both as waves and particles.

Wave-Particle Duality
Electromagnetic radiation can either acts as a wave or a particle, a photon. As a wave, it is represented by velocity, wavelength, and frequency. Light is an EM wave since the speed of EM waves is the same as the speed of light. As a particle, EM is represented as a photon, which transports energy. When a photon is absorbed, the electron can be moved up or down an energy level. When it moves up, it absorbs energy, when it moves down, energy is released. Thus, since each atom has its own distinct set of energy levels, each element emits and absorbs different frequencies. Photons with higher energies produce shorter wavelengths and photons with lower energies produce longer wavelengths.

Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation
Electromagnetic Radiation is also categorized into two groups based, ionizing and non-ionizing, on the severity of the radiation. Ionizing radiation holds a great amount of energy to remove electrons and cause the matter to become ionized. Thus, higher frequency waves such as the X-rays and gamma-rays have ionizing radiation. However, lower frequency waves such as radio waves, do not have ionizing radiation and are grouped as non-ionizing. 

Electromagnetic Radiation and Temperature
Electromagnetic radiation released is related to the temperature of the body. Stephan-Boltzmann Law says that if this body is a black body, one which perfectly absorbs and emits radiation, the radiation released is equal to the temperature raised to the fourth power. Therefore, as temperature increases, the amount of radiation released increases greatly. Objects that release radiation very well also absorb radiation at certain wavelengths very well. This is explained by the Kirchhoff’s Law. Wavelengths are also related to temperature. As the temperature increases, the wavelength of maximum emission decreases.

What is the wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 4.28 Hz?
What is the frequency of a wave with a wavelength of 200 cm?
What is the frequency of a wave with a wavelength of 500 pm?
What is the wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 2.998 × 105 Hz?
A radio transmits a frequency of 100 Hz. What is the wavelength of this wave?
1.5 × 108 Hz
4.0 × 1017 Hz
2.998 × 106 m




It is a wave which is produced by vibrations of bodies.
It is a mechanic wave. It needs a medium to travel i.e air
It is a longitudinal wave. 
It cannot travel in vacuum.
Its speed in air is about 330m/s

A wave is a disturbance that travels through space and time, usually accompanied by the transfer of energy.

Types of waves-
1. Mechanical waves
2. Non-Mechanical waves

1. Mechanical waves-
 The type of waves which need a medium to travel is known as MECHANICAL WAVE.
Eg- Sound

2. Non-Mechanical waves-
The type of wave which do not need a medium to travel is known as NON-MECHANICAL WAVE.

Frequency is defined as number of oscillation per second.
It's Unit is Hertz(Hz)

Amplitude is maximum displacement between two consecutive crust & trough.
Its Unit is meter(m)

Time Period(λ)
Time Period is the time required to complete one oscillation.
Its Unit is second(s)
T= 2
λ means lambda

Relation between Time period & Frequency
F = 1/T
v = Distance/Time
Here Distance is Wavelength(λ)
Here Time is Time period.(T)
v = λ/T
  As T=1/F
v = λ/1/F
   = λF

How do we hear?

The shape of the outer part of the ear is like a funnel. When sound enters in it, it travels down a canal at the end of which a thin membrane is stretched tightly. It is called the  eardrum. It performs an important function.The eardrum  is  l ike a st retched rubber sheet. Sound vibrations make the eardrum vibrate . The eardrum sends vibrations to the inner ear. From there, the signal goes to the brain. 

Noise & Music-
Noise -
 Noise is unpleasant sound. 
It is caused by irregular vibration.

Music is pleasant sound.



Overview of Gravitation  

Gravitation is the attraction between objects because of their mass. Objects can range in size from sub-atomic particles to celestial masses, such as planets, stars and galaxies. Other properties of gravitation include attraction to the center or mass, escape velocity and gravity.

The concept of that matter attracts other objects was formulated by Isaac Newton as the Law of Universal Gravitation. This theory has been superseded by newer theories of gravitation, such as Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity and the Theory of Quantum Gravitation.

The Universal Gravitation Equation defines the force of attraction between two objects in ordinary situations. The equation can be simplified to give the gravity equation for objects near Earth.
Properties of gravitation All objects consisting of matter exhibit the property of gravitational attraction and tend to move toward each other. This property is considered universal and exists throughout the Universe.

No shield As far as we know, there is no way to shield the effect of gravitation. There are theories that there exists "dark matter" that repels standard matter, however dark matter has never been detected.

Center of mass Between two objects, there is a center of mass of the objects. When the objects move toward each other, the will meet at the center of mass. If one is revolving around the other, as in the case of a moon around a planet, both objects are actually rotating around the center of mass.

Escape velocity It is possible for an object to be propelled at a sufficient velocity away from another object that it will overcome the gravitational attraction between the two. An example of this is when a rocket escapes the gravitation from the Earth.

Gravity The expressions gravity and gravitation are often commonly interchanged. However, the correct scientific terminology considers gravity as a special case of gravitation for objects near the Earth.

For gravitation close to other large objects, you should include the name of the object, such as: "gravity of the Moon" or "gravity of the Sun."

For astronomical situations, gravitation is the correct term to use.

Gravitational theories There have been several theories trying to explain the cause of gravitation.

Law of Universal Gravitation In 1687, Isaac Newton formulated the Law of Universal Gravitation, which states that all objects are attracted toward other objects, due to a force acting at a distance, called gravitation.

Theory of General Relativity In 1915, Albert Einstein gave another interpretation of gravitation in his Theory of General Relativity. He stated that gravitation was the result of the curvature of space toward matter and not due to some force.

Verification of the theory was in explaining the unusual orbit of the planet Mercury and measuring the effect of gravitation on deflecting light waves as they pass a star.

Theory of Quantum Gravitation Recent considerations in Quantum Physics say that gravitation is one of four fundamental forces in nature. The force of each is created by an exchange of special or virtual particles. In the case of gravitation, the particle is called the graviton. This interaction leads to an explanation of gravitation at very small distances.

Gravitation Equation Just as there are several theories about the cause of gravitation, likewise, there are several equations that define the force.

Universal Gravitation Equation Newton formulated the Universal Gravitation Equation, which allows the calculation of the force between two objects. The equation is:

F = GMm/R2


F is the force of attraction between two objects in newtons (N)
G is the universal gravitational constant in N-m2/kg2
M and m are the masses of the two objects in kilograms (kg)
R is the distance in meters (m) between the objects, as measured from their centers of mass
Gravity equation The gravity equation is a simplification of the gravitational equation for objects relatively close to the Earth:

F = mg


F is the force pulling objects toward the Earth in newtons (N) or pound-force (lbs)
m is the mass of the object in kg or pound-mass
g is the acceleration due to gravity in meters per second squared (m/s2) or feet per second squared (ft/s2)


ROTATIONAL MOTion........ 

A Simple example of 
Angular Motion

the examples are helpful and necessary to understanding the concepts

Linear to Angular Quantities 
click below for a flash animation

Is it correct to say, "The farther the particle (P) from the axis of rotation the faster it is moving in a linear way?"

Does very particle (P) on the object rotate through the same angle in a given time interval?
And do all particles have the same angular speed and angular acceleration?

Solving rotational motion problems is very similar to solving for linear motion problems.
You will use the motion equations with angular quatities! 

What about Kinetic Energy of Rotation?

So, which object (e,f,g,h, or i) would win a race down an incline plane

   How is it that the human brain knows physics 
but the human seems completely oblivious 
to these concepts? 

Each Particle in the object has a 
different linear velocity!

Otto Frisch

Otto Frisch

Otto Frisch was a Jewish physicist born in Austria and lived there for quite a while with his two very artistic parents. Otto however took interest in physics like his aunt Lise Meitner. In his line of work he got to prove that a proton was much bigger than anticipated when in a magnetic moment. Due to Adolf Hitler's rein in Germany Frisch left and started to work in London. Thanks to a brief visit with his aunt he also hypothesized that in Otto Hahn's work that uranium split in two when hit with a neutron causing what he called fission. He visited Birmingham (and got stuck there) and when there he came up with the theory of using fission in a atomic bomb. Working on the Manhattan Project Frisch had to find the amount of uranium to reach a mass that could sustain the explosion. To do this he stacked several stacks of uranium on each other and measuring the critical mass. He almost got a dangerous amount of radiation by leaning over the stack one day. Thanks to this experiment he found the right amount of uranium to reach critical mass in Little Boy. After his work in the Manhattan Project he returned to London working at Harwell and Cambridge university.

          We should know about Otto Frisch because he had major contributions to the work in the Manhattan Project. Without his many contributions to the physics world we would have never been able to drop Little Boy which ended WW2c