Thursday 28 July 2016

Nuclear Reaction


Nuclear energy :

          What are nuclear reactors? Nuclear reactors are machines that use chain reactions to keep a constant flow of neutrons made by fission of nuclei. This works by the heat from nuclear fission boiling water which turns it into steam. This steam then turns turbines connected to a generator to produce electricity. Nuclear energy actually is America's 3rd biggest electricity source and is 11% of the world's electricity. There are also 430 nuclear power reactors in 31 countries!

Nuclear Disasters: 

    What is the Fukushima Crisis? The Fukushima Crisis occurred on March 11th, 2011. A tsunami hit the reactors but al four shut down immediately when an earthquake hit before the tsunami. 3 cores melted in the first 3 days due to the tsunami cooling them off. After this happened radiation in the water caused the government to evacuate 100,000 people for safety

Should we use nuclear reactors?

    Now this is a tough question. I mean nuclear energy is technically a clean energy source (except the uranium part), it doesn't use fossil fuels to generate electricity, and it is a way to keep a 3rd of America's power going. On the other hand though if a nuclear power plant melts/ has a disaster then the radiation would make the land unlivable for years. Also it would most likely cause a big evacuation and just wouldn't be safe if something did happen. At this point since disasters like Fukushima don't happen often or they just arn't as terrible as Fukushima, I'm all for nuclear energy. Its a great way so the world doesn't have to depend on non-renewable energies and since so much of the world is already using it then we can just increase that number of plants.

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