Thursday 28 July 2016

Otto Frisch

Otto Frisch

Otto Frisch was a Jewish physicist born in Austria and lived there for quite a while with his two very artistic parents. Otto however took interest in physics like his aunt Lise Meitner. In his line of work he got to prove that a proton was much bigger than anticipated when in a magnetic moment. Due to Adolf Hitler's rein in Germany Frisch left and started to work in London. Thanks to a brief visit with his aunt he also hypothesized that in Otto Hahn's work that uranium split in two when hit with a neutron causing what he called fission. He visited Birmingham (and got stuck there) and when there he came up with the theory of using fission in a atomic bomb. Working on the Manhattan Project Frisch had to find the amount of uranium to reach a mass that could sustain the explosion. To do this he stacked several stacks of uranium on each other and measuring the critical mass. He almost got a dangerous amount of radiation by leaning over the stack one day. Thanks to this experiment he found the right amount of uranium to reach critical mass in Little Boy. After his work in the Manhattan Project he returned to London working at Harwell and Cambridge university.

          We should know about Otto Frisch because he had major contributions to the work in the Manhattan Project. Without his many contributions to the physics world we would have never been able to drop Little Boy which ended WW2c

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